Huaraz – Ulta – Pumallucay – Llanganuco – Huaraz
We leave Huaraz for Carhuas where we take a detour along a road to the Cordillera Blanca and Huascaran National Park. After 40 minutes we will enter the Ulta valley formed by the Huascaran and Ulta Mountains, meandering along the Ulta River and surrounded by many beautiful mountains such as Contrahiebas, Chopicalqui, Huascaran, Ulta and Chequiaraju. After a few minutes we will reach the highest tunnel in the world “Punta Olimpica” that will allow us to pass towards the Callejon de Conchucos. After enjoying the view and the lagoons that surround this place, we will continue to Chacas, where we will spend the first night and also visit the wood and stained-glass workshops.
Travel time: 4 to 5 hours approximately.
Walking time: 1 to 2 hours.
Approximate difference in altitude: 1,686 m. rise and 1378 m. down.
After breakfast and having spent the night in this beautiful town, we will begin the journey, descending towards the valley and heading to visit an impressive church “Pumallucay”, after enjoying this place surrounded by a rich tradition and pleasant landscape full of vegetation we will continue our trip to the towns of Acoccha Shapcha where we will continue enjoying the view of the varied agriculture, livestock and crafts of the Conchucan population. Then little by little once again we will go into the puna of the Cordillera Blanca with a different and spectacular landscape, and once crossed the “Pupash” pass 4050 m. we will descend towards the town of Yanama where we will spend the night.
Travel time: 4 to 5 hours approximately.
Walking time: 1 hour.
Approximate difference in altitude: 690 m. climb and 650 m. down.
After recovering energy and charging our batteries we continue with our trip to the town of Colcabamba. In a few minutes we will enter the Morococha Valley on a well-established road and surrounded by abundant vegetation, lagoons and mountains. After a few hours of travel, we will reach the highest and most impressive point “Paso Portachuelo” with a magnificent view of the mountains, lagoons and the Llanganuco Valley.
After delighting our eyes and hearts and taking hundreds of photos, we will go down a road to the valley where we will make stops at the Orconcocha, Chinancocha Lagoons and enjoy an easy walk on the Maria Josefa Trail.
At the end of the road we meet our driver to continue the trip to Yungay and from there onto Huaraz.
Travel time: 5 to 6 hours approximately.
Walking time: 2 hours.
Approximate difference in altitude: 1,367 m. climb and 1715 m. down.
All year round, recommended between April to October.
03 days / 02 nights